The Instructor

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About the Sensei

The Sensei (instructor) at Aikido of Ashland, KY is Tom Berry. Berry Sensei has been training in martial arts for over 50  years. He began practicing Judo at age 12 under Bob Duncan Sensei in Ashland, KY, and became the assistant instructor at the Ashland Area Y.M.C.A.. Berry also studied Shotokan Karate, and Shoalin Kung Fu.

In 1980 Tom was introduced to Ariff Mehter Sensei and began studying Aikido. Mehter Sensei, began practicing Aikido in his home country of Burma. When he came to the United States he trained with Yoshimitsu Yamada Shihan and Mitsunari Kanai Shihan. Both Yamada Sensei and Kanai Sensei were uchi deshi (live in students) of Morihei Ueshiba, O Sensei, the founder of Aikido.

Berry Sensei currently holds the rank of Rokudan (6th degree black belt).





Tom Berry